tries to use your browser as a blockchain currency miner?

  • 7 replies
bintang_kecil tries to use your browser as a blockchain currency miner? it can create considerable CPu Load.
How did this shit is happen?


No answer? Is it Malware ????


kalau saya buka subscene gak ada yang begitunya, dan gak pernah muncul kaya gitu


so.. any idea how am i gonna fix this problem?


Hi Guys, we have been running a test with mining 5% of CPU of visitors as a new way to support Subscene. We will be taking it offline again today and let people "mine" for Subscene on a volunteer basis.

Sorry for the issues this may have caused you.

Bintang, what browser or antivirus gave you the pop-up message?



I posted this several days ago

Whatever you've been doing is being detected as as trojans. Your script continually tries to download files multiple times on every webpage whether logged in or not. Fortunately a decent security package will prevent this. I'm not sure this is very ethical tbh. At least ask people who are members and put an option within your settings as to whether it happens. Not saying anything and having our antivirus go haywire is pretty disturbing. sites normally get blacklisted as dangerous sites if that sort of thing happens.


fact is INDEED it come up with from KASPERSKY and BITDEFENDER on my system ATTACHED as Miner in ads flowing continuesly ,please consider least ads available with screening first before accepting those supporting ads for your convenience on our trust and if applicable why dont just add the paying button or paypal store for donations from us users or volunteer Thank you Best regards: Chris "makoto77 and all team of IDFL crew " subber {attn: MOMOD and Or Admin team }