News about the closure of the subscene site????!!!!!!!! O_o

  • 14 replies

I recently heard the news about the closure of the Subscene site, which was inevitably injured due to the financial situation and low visitors! Is this true or fake news?


Some people tell me that this news is reliable and they insist on their words and refer me to the message of the main admin of the site! I don't know who the main admin is, but so far he has not shown me a proof of his words except a picture of a certain text:

"Hi everyone, im very sorry to be writing this, but subscene cannot continue for much longer.
It has not been paying for itself for several years now, visistors are falling, and maintenance cannot continue. I am amazed of all your administrative work with the content which is the primary reason that I have continued paying for the site for this long.
Thank you all for this journey we have been on together. If I can do anything for you let me now."


I believe the message was posted in the moderators forums by the system administrator himself :
If anyone can reach him and ask him to provide the database that would be amazing.


That's true, the forum's moderator posted it in arabic


Please wait nothing is final yet, we all want the site to continue so hopefully something can be worked out. But we have to wait and see.


Dear Subscene users,

As a fellow user and contributor in the past during the hay-day with friends/admins like rogard and Verdikt, I was sorry to hear this news.
A Subscene user contacted me at OpenSubtitles to provide any assistance that I/we can.

Although we can’t provide any financial assistance, I would like to say I’m willing to help in any other way that I personally can, especially because of my past loyalty and time here.
I personally hope Subscene can continue the way it always has, but if it can’t, you’re all welcome on our site. We already have users from both sites participating back and forth already.

Although, I understand, our chosen favourite site can never be replaced by any other, I will still try my best to accommodate your community over there. If the moment asks for it or if the worse was to happen to Subscene.

That means you can have your own language (major busy languages) section in our dedicated forum ( with the same admins/moderators from Subscene who are also welcome to keep their roles and look after their original community members that may follow them from Subscene. You can see we already have separate forum sections for some popular languages already and you’re more than welcome to moderate them as you did here.

Our site is going through a transition at the moment where we will change from the .org version to the new .com version when it is ready (BETA):

In the new version you will be able to search for subtitles by simply using popular iconic movie phrases and sentences like “Yippee Ki‐Yay” for Die Hard, so exciting times for the new version of the website which will also have 1000’s of other modern features which will also include the ability of translating subtitles into your language, using automated apps for uploading/downloading subtitles, finding subtitles by simply dragging/dropping your video file in the search bar and many other features.
Albeit, some of these features exist already.

Of course I hope all fairs well for Subscene. If it doesn’t, you’re free to choose whatever site meets your needs. For those that choose OS, you’re most welcome. Not only the users, but admins, too.

I wish you all well.
Kind regards


apparently the news is true, since another one of the moderators posted a thread about it today
apparently the goal of the owner is now to change the site or make another one, the goal is to keep this site as it is
and the problem is money, but so far the owner have not answered my messages, so I dont know how to try to solve this problem, since it definitely has easy solutions, and its a shame to lose such a site and such a great database


It's true, I think all the members are working on it, A donation through PayPal is an option to keep the site online.


Create Patreon, im sure many users are willing to subscribe to help this site.


waitt.... what...? permanently close? All my uploads to subscene much larger than opensubtitles because I'm new just several months to opensubtitles...
If this thing unevitable than I hope there are backups for subscene, migrates to opensubtitles



You can make a backup by signing up in subdl:

Once you sign up go to the panel where you can find more options then follow the steps to link your account with Subscence.


My 2c. I sure hope Subscene continues. I've nearly a hundred uploads here and the same on Opensubs. IMHO,subscene is by far the best of the two. The interface is better, slicker and faster than Opensubs.
Also, Subscene has been (until the last 2 weeks) much more reliable. I can't help directly (with money) to keep Subscene up but surely a bit of adveritizing should be the solution to any financial issues.

I hope so.

Best of luck anyway.