Subscene is closing - so sorry (page 15)


ok its live-saver.
long live the forum


I till reiterate what I said before.

Yes all very good but at least 3/4 sites created since demise of subscene with no guarantees how long these sites will last. Users spread everywhere can mean "It has not been paying for itself for several years now, visitors are falling, and maintenance cannot continue" type of speeches can happen again. Then we in panic for more replacement sites.

I think it's a good idea to use our brain to back up and upload to at least 2 sites, one of the site should definitely be opensubtitles cos they been around for decades. And when they now making a new replacement website to old one, it is at least guaranteed to not close down in near future. Upload wisely and back up your work. That way if new sites close down, you still have your hard work backed up on another popular site. Good luck to all these new sites. May ye live long and prosper.