American Girls jokes

  • 9 replies
American Girls

I have some jokes for you, guys!
I don't know it's funny or not.

1.Why did the bee get married? Because he found his honey.
2. You cannot taste me, until you undress me - Banana
3. You cannot eat me unless you lick me - Ice Cream
4. You cannot play with me unless you blow me - Balloon

  • Q: What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?
    A: Every morning you'll rise and shine.
  • Q: What do lawyers wear to court?
    A: Lawsuit!

Good jokes, girls! I like it!


Girls, where do you live?

American Girls

We living in Bali. If you’re in the rice paddies you’ll see farmers starting their day or just sitting in a bale, a small raised platform with a roof and no walls. Birds as exotic splashes of color. Well, are they exotic if they’re home? Maybe it’s you who’s exotic on this morning.

American Girls

But Samantha Evans had just arrived from Solo!


Maaf baru bales. Oh, begitu! Berarti kalian terkena dampak gunung Agung dong!
Kalau kami dari Jakarta. Kalo boleh tahu, Samantha Evans ngapain ke Solo?

Kalajengking Merah

Gan, gan.... ngapain sih ngurusin? Dia mau ke Solo mah terserah dia! Hahahaha.... :)
Saya, istri, sama tiga anak perempuan saya suka lihat film dengan subtitle "American Girls dan "Sultan Khilaf". Semangat terus dalam menerjemahkan! Saya mendukung kalian!

American Girls

Please listen George Harrison's song "Flying Hour". I hope you enjoy this song! :)

Kalajengking Merah

Ya, nanti saya dengarkan! Hehehehe.... :)