Just for clariification on Request Posts.

  • 2 replies

Hi everyone.

I have a question...

As for requesting "Subtitle Requests:"

Is THIS the correct Forum to post Subtitle Request ("Open Discussions")
Should "Subtitle Requests" be posted in the "Subscene Discussion" Forum?

I simply want to clarify this so that I am not posting in the "wrong" Thread.

Thanks to anyone who can clarify this for me and any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. : ) -EB


The way I see :
"Open discussion is OPEN for any discussion, while Subscene discussion specifically/restricted for any material or subject related to subscene.com."

So, it's kind a thin line isn't it?, it'll make easier if you just write your request on both so-called OPEN D or OPEN S.

At last but not least, you can contact the famous subber by PM for your request, and perhaps you get lucky by free or cost you some dime.

Cheers... ;-)


LIKE it! Thanks for the CYA advise. : D

Will keep that in mind. : ) -EB