Just curious in RE to Subtitle Requests and Threads that are 80+ posts.... Again, SIMPLY curious.: )

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Howdy all. : ) MAYBE someone can answer a question that I have, regarding Subtitle Request Threads...

I am relatively "new" to requesting Subtitles. Heh! Even though, I have most definitely requested my "share" of them. ; D

It was recently pointed out to me about "Hijacking" a Tread's request for a specific Subtitle. Which was a TOTAL accident, but at least I learned something from it. : )

It would appear that "Hijacking" a Subtitle Request Thread is, well, simply put, "Bad Form!!"

BUT!!! I have notices Threads, such as THIS ONE:


This Thread has REALLY close to NINETY (90) posts on it. ALL requesting (basically) DIFFERENT Subtitles.

Now, personally, I have NO clue how ANY UL'er can or WOULD try to "sort through" all of this clutter.

Now, my question is this: Do I create a "NEW" Thread, requesting Subs for each different movie? -OR- Do I find a Thread, like the above posted one, and just "add" my request to the "end" of the "mile-long" Thread??

I'm kinda confused on this one.

It would SEEM logical, to post a separate Thread, requesting Subs, for EACH, different movie.

I would like to be an integral and productive part of this Site. So understanding which method would help me ( and anyone else reading this ) to make this site run smoothly and easily. : )

At least that is my intent.

So if ANYone, would please answer which method is "preferred" I would REALLY appreciate it. And with that, I will thank whomever, in advance. : ) THANK YOU!!! : D -EB